I had jury duty this am, but after rounds of questions, I didn't make the cut. Better luck next time.
My BFF and I went up to National Harbor to check out the new "Peep" store. Yes, it was filled with all sorts of peeps and peep accessories. You have to see it to believe it. They even had peep mouse pads for under $5, Wal Mart's mouse pads aren't even that cheap, oh cool for that matter.
While we were right there, we decided to tour the Gaylord Hotel. That was like nothing I had ever seen before. There was a Chik-fil-A convention going on. We knew something was going on when we pulled into the parking garage and every other car or truck was cow painted. And reading the vanity plates on some of the cars was a give away...EAT MO CHIX
We had lunch at McCormick and Schmick's, oh that cashew crusted mahi mahi with Caribbean salsa was splendid.
The view from the harbor place was really nice. Looks like Disney is going to build a resort there in the near future. It is really worth checking out, I would wait for a nice Spring day, as today was overcast and breezy (cold).
One of the highlights of the entire trip happened while we were enjoying lunch....There was a couple sitting across from us. This man and his wife were very well dressed and were very professional looking. When they finished and were ready to leave, the gentleman came up to our table and said that he didn't want to interrupt, but he wanted to tell us how much we encouraged him and his wife, by praying and thanking the Lord for our food before we ate. He said that they frequently eat out and have never seen that. He said that it was good to know there are other Christians out there. He also said that he and his wife were going to record us, but decided not to. They thanked us, and I thanked them for it encouraged me to have him make a point to stop by and tell me that.
Sometimes I wonder how God is going to use me as a witness, and times like this today, encourage me knowing that God is using me, and once in awhile, He lets me sneak a peek as to how. What a blessing it is to be a Christian, to have been forgiven for all my sin, past present and future, to be loved by My God who will never leave me or forsake me. And to think... all I had to do was to ask Him to forgive me of my sins and be my Savior. Friend... have you asked Him? He is ready... all you have to do is ask.
I hope you all have a blessed night
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